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[AWS] Using Chardet in AWS Lambda

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I am using AWS Lambda to import data from the txt files.

However, for most of files,it’s working, but failed for some type of files:

‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0x80 in position 22006: invalid start byte

After check the file char encoding, I found they are “ASNI”, however, in my lambda python code, I assume they are encoded with UTF-8:

  txtContent = obj['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')

How to detect the file


Please be aware of there is one line saying: Correctly detecting the encoding all times is impossible!

However, we could still try to use some python module “chardet” to detect the character encoding

This is the document: https://chardet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html

For using it in AWS lambda, we’ll have to install the module and upload to lambda.

I’ll show how we make it work:

1) Install chardet
mkdir for-chardet
pip install chardet -t ./for-chardet/

2) Zip the files
zip -r lambda-4-chardet.zip ./chardet*
zip lambda-4-chardet.zip lambda_function.py

3) Upload to AWS Lambda function.

Also, attach the python encoding:

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